Pre Wedding Activities

Pre wedding activities, though unnecessary involve extra planning and one full of entertainment and fun for the guests. The bride and groom should consider the great distance from which the guests have arrived and plan relevant activities to relax them.

While planning wedding activities, remember the other things like many guests with their children, whether you can provide child care or is children take a part in the activities. Activities can also be tailored for many older guests so that they can also participate.

Group manicure is one such pre wedding activity where all women close to the bride including men to go to a nail salon and get their nails done. This is a welcome relaxation and respite for women from the hustle and bustle of the wedding week end. The men may go for a game of golf or tennis in the meanwhile.

Structured activities for the guests are provided by the bride and groom for the guests before the wedding. For a wedding on Saturday night they offer a Friday activity if there are local guests you might have a wedding luau. Pre wedding activities, often, are centered round bachelor and bachelortte parties. You can have a stag party also where all the members of the bride’s and groom’s families can be included. A few fun games can be planned and you can go to the restaurant for a night of fun and games. Be careful about drinking and carousal as this may not suit a few family members.

A fun and pre wedding activity is to begin with a gift basket with the theme:”advise for the couple” and started by the best man or the maid of honor. They take the basket to an aunt or cousin’s house and leave it on the door step. That person adds an item a book on how to end spousal arguments or a CD of romantic music and brings the basket to some one else’s house. The activity begins a week or two before the wedding and everyone should know it is coming around.

If everyone is local and know it is coming around the basket can be circulated the week end of the wedding. Some one can bring the basket to a house, collect the item and take the basket to the next location avoiding the need for each person to take the basket to the next location. When it is full some one can be in charge of putting the basket items together, wrapping it nicely and bring it to the bride and groom. It can be offered right as a wedding gift.

In all your plans and activities remember the needs and limitations of your guests. For including everyone in the activity opt for golf. But if your grandpa is in a wheel chair golf cannot be the best activity to plan.

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: All the content contained on this website related to Wedding is for general information purpose only. Please do not consider it as any type of consulting or advise.

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