Princess cut engagement ring

Princess cut engagement ring is getting popular of late in western countries.

These rings are unique and are totally different from the other engagement rings such as gold, silver, diamond rings that have the general cuts.

These rings look very simple but are very beautiful.The women love to have this princess cut engagement ring because of three things.

The first and foremost thing is that these rings are looking incredibly elegant and are considered as priceless beauty.The setting of the ring is the other important reason for the popularity of these rings which is simply marvelous.

The other important thing about these rings is the cost. The cost of the ring is very reasonable with all its beauty. These rings are liked by the urban well to do women as well as rural women.

The princess cut engagement ring is a kind of diamond ring. the ring will be sparkling like the star in the night. The brightness and the sparkling are due to the cut in the diamond.

The princess diamond ring cut is somewhat different from the traditional cut. As the result the shining of the diamond will be three or four times stronger than the other diamond rings.

The cut in the princess cut engagement ring is so special which is the reason for the beauty and the popularity of these rings. This cutting can in a way considered as one of the most important innovation in the diamond cutting. This ring will have square shaped diamond.

The diamond here will have more facets than the traditional diamond ring. This more number of facets is due to the brilliant cut made on the face, edges, and surrounding.

As mentioned earlier the cost of the ring is not all that expensive. The cost of the princess cut engagement ring is lower than the ordinary diamond rings. The reason is the working on the diamond is easy and less time consuming.

As the workmanship is one of the components in the pricing of the ring, these rings are cheaper than most other diamond rings. Setting in the princess cut engagement ring or any other ring refers to the placement of the diamond on the ring band.

Here the diamond can be fitted parallel to the ring band which is very common. In some these diamonds are aligned at an angle to give diamond shape to the ring.

In channel setting the diamond stones are set well in the ring in such a way you don’t see the prongs that are held above.

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Engagement Ring