Wedding Night Rituals

Permanent traditions and customs of occasions are weddings. This remarkable event it is common knowledge that wedding ceremonies are different all over the word, people’s beliefs, culture and history have affected but even on the wedding night did you know that the diversity extends even on the wedding night? Before letting the newly weds reach a night of wedding bliss! Reach this to know the interesting activities that couples, families and friends do.

With tin cans attached to the backside of the car, it is regular in American wedding for the bride and grooms escaping a Celtic wedding night in a barn, girl friends of the bride would dress her bed and ask each of the male guests to kiss her good night, in earlier days.

To prevent the groom from seeing her new wife the friends would do other things. While drinking the night away, they would disturb the union by making noise outside the barn and even peep in to couple, even if the couple finally comes together.

To eventually leave them alone the couple waits for everyone to get too drunk. Thus, they keep their honeymoon destination a secret and speed away after the wedding this kind of prant is something that newly weds want to get away from future.

Scotland: The Celtic wedding night ritual come. Before closing in to the newly weds home, sleeping in the barn on the first night. Sprinkling water on the marriage bed for luck and staying for a week with the brides parents.

A custom of “disturbing” the wedding night, called chiverie, know in the US as shivaree, both the Germans and the French have. Some even play around with the room where they will stay, like spread food all over the bed, put plenty of balloons and hide alarm clock every where, they make noise outside the place where the couple spends their first night together, just for fun.

When the bride stumbles when entering the newly wed’s house for the first time, the Romans believed that it has bad fortune. So, male friends of the couple after the wedding would take her over the doorsteps. The groom at present is expected to do the job himself.

Virginity is valued in Benin western Africa. If she is a virgin at their wedding night, the bride’s mother gives her with cash! The sheets that the couples used are inspected for blood stains, in the morning.

Out the window some mothers even “fly the flag” slowing off their daughter blood stained night gown. Candles designed with a phoenix and a dragon is lit to drive the evil sprit away for the Chinese at the might of the wedding

While arms intertwined the newly weds will drink wine from glob lets tied together with a red ribbon. Which symbolize property then the bride will be given half raw dumplings.

Marquesasian (from Polynesia) are expected to have sex with all the male guests and then saving the groom for last, thus brides have a notable wedding night. Your wedding night, now that can make extremely unforgettable.

: All the content contained on this website related to Wedding is for general information purpose only. Please do not consider it as any type of consulting or advise.

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