Are You Planning For An Unusual Wedding Bouquet

Variety is the spice of life. Life would be unbearable and boring without diversity changing out life style in eating, dressing and doing things adds flavor to our humdrum existence. Reckless living should not be the aim of a person. Living every day is if it is the last day can change our outlook on life and improve it.

Wedding bouquets, unusual wedding bouquets have become significant and all eyes are on the bride’s dress and bouquet as she walks down the aisle. None have thought about the history of the wedding bouquet and its function during the glorious moment in the wedding ceremony.

Traditional Symbols Of Love

Flowers in an unusual wedding bouquet symbolize fruitfulness. Herbs were used in the first wedding bouquets and later orange flowers were used.
Today’s wedding and unusual wedding bouquets have been influenced by Victorian traditions. In those days lovers exchanged their love with the language of flowers, each other, freesia signified trust, the fern represented allure and earnestness and red rose, symbolized love.

The Bouquet Toss - Grab For Good Fortune!

One of the most thrilling events immediately after the wedding harmony is the tossing of the bouquet. Its origin goes back to the fascinating wedding ritual in Britain. Those, soon after the wedding ceremony, women tried to tear off portions of the bride’s dress and flowers. They believed that this action would bring them good fortune. Naturally the bride in her terror would flee from the crowd and dart off throwing away the bouquet.In modern times the bouquet is tossed in the direction of single women. According to custom, the women who, catches the bouquet will be next to marry.

Some Useful Tips To Select A Wedding Bouquet

While selecting a wedding bouquet follow the steps given below: consider the weight of the wedding bouquet. As the photo session would be lengthy, carry a bouquet which you can hold comfortably, coordinate your bouquet properly with those of brides maid, its colors and scent. The fragrance of roses and freesias can linger in a chapel, hotel or church hours after every one has left.The overall appearance of the bouquet should not prevent the view of the wedding gown.

The wedding and the unusual wedding bouquet are the most visible and important objects in the modern wedding. Though the flowers in the bouquet are short lived, their memories live for ever and bring nostalgic reminiscences.

: All the content contained on this website related to Wedding is for general information purpose only. Please do not consider it as any type of consulting or advise.

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